Idara ya Mazingira
This Division is led by a Director
Bi. Kemilembe Mutasa
To provide overall policy guidance, coordination, expertise and services for sustainable environmental management and development.
- To coordinate issues relating to articulation and implementation of the National environmental policy and the Environmental Management Act, 2004;
- To develop, coordinate and assess the implementation of strategies and plans to address the crossing cutting challenges related to environmental management and promote the integration of environment in other sector development frameworks;
- To advise the government on legislative and other measures for the management of the environment and/or the implementation of the relevant international agreements in the field of environment
- To oversee operations of the National Environment Management Council;
- To develop and issue reports on the State of Environment; and
- To coordinate the implementation of the green growth and climate resilient development agenda.
This Division has three (3) Sections as follows:-
1:Biodiversity Conservation Section;
- Environmental Management of Pollution Section; and
- Environmental Assessment and Climate Change Management Section.
Biodiversity Conservation Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-
- Develop, monitor, evaluate and review policies, Acts, regulations, guidelines, programmes and strategies which are related to biodiversity conservation bio safety and sustainable utilization;
- Monitor performance and coordinate with MDAs and LGAs on implementation of policies, Acts, regulations, guidelines, programmes, plans and strategies that are related to biodiversity conservation and advise accordingly;
- Coordinate activities of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in the country;
- Develop and disseminate educational materials for public awareness on policy issues and best practices for biodiversity conservation and management;
- Oversee operations of the National Environmental Trust Fund and functioning of the National Environmental Advisory Committee; and
- Develop and coordinate strategies, procedures and frameworks and monitor implementation of multilateral, bilateral and regional agreements related to biodiversity conservation.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.
2:Environmental Management of Pollution Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-
- Develop, evaluate and review environmental policies, Acts, regulations, guidelines, programmes and strategies which are related to environmental pollution prevention and control;
- Coordinate and Monitor performance with MDAs and LGAs on implementation of policies, Acts, regulations, guidelines, programmes, strategies and plans that are related to environmental pollution prevention;
- Promote application of economic instruments for pollution prevention and control;
- Promote the application of technologies related to sustainable promotion and consumption patterns;
- Develop and disseminate educational materials for public awareness on policy issues and best practices for pollution control; and
- Develop, coordinate and monitor implementation of multilateral, bilateral and regional agreements related to environmental pollution management.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.
3:Environmental Assessment and Climate Change Management Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-
- Develop, monitor, analyse, evaluate and review the implementation of the National Environmental Policy and EMA, 2004, and implement other legislations, guidelines, criteria and procedures for Environmental Impact Assessments, and Strategic Environmental Assessments to ensure that environmental concerns are addressed;
- Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and its protocol(s);
- Develop and disseminate educational materials for public awareness on climate change and environmental impact management assessments;
- Coordinate the development and implementation of the green growth and climate resilient economic development agenda;
- Assess the state of environment and issue reports ;
- Assess and oversee the performance of NEMC; and
- Facilitate and advise on mainstreaming climate change and environmental issues into National, Sectoral, Regional and District development plans.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director