Idara ya Utawala na Rasilimaliwatu

The Division is led by a Director


To provide expertise and services on human resources management and administrative matters to the Office


  • To provide advice to the Permanent Secretary on administrative and human resources matters;
  • To provide strategic inputs on Administration and Human Resources Management issues such as recruitment, human resources development and training, promotion, discipline, retention, motivation, performance management and welfare;
  • To ensure optimal, efficient and effective management and utilization of human resources in the Office;
  • To collect, analyse, store and disseminate data and information related to human resource development plans;
  • To provide a link between the Office of the Vice President and the President’s Office – Public Service Management on operationalisation of the Public Service Management and Employment Policy and relevant Public Service Acts;
  • To provide data support and up-date records on various human resources information;
  • To provide all management services and organization development; and
  • To process terminal benefits and leave.

The Division is comprised by two (2) Sections as follow:-

  • Administration Section; and
  • Human Resources Management Section.

1:Administration Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Interpret and ensure adherence to Public Service Regulations, Standing Orders and other Labour laws;
  • Facilitate employee relations and welfare including health, safety, sports and culture;
  • Provide registry, messengerial and courier services; and manage office records;
  • Handle all protocol matters;
  • Facilitate provision of security services, transport and general utilities;
  • Facilitate general custodian services to include maintenance of office equipment, buildings and grounds;
  • Coordinate implementation of ethics and value promotion activities including prevention of corrupt practices;
  • Implement diversity issues including gender, disability and HIV/AIDS etc and be the Office’s Gender Focal Point;
  • Coordinate implementation of Private Sector Participation in the Office;
  • Coordinate the preparation and implementation of the Wage Bill of the Office and Recurrent Budget for the Administration Division;
  • Coordinate implementation of Business Process Improvement in the Office;
  • Advise on organizational efficiency of the Office; and
  • Coordinate implementation of Client Service Charter in the Office.

This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

2:Human Resources Management Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Coordinate staff recruitments, selections, placements, confirmations, promotions and transfers for the Office;
  • Carry out human resources planning to determine supply and demand for professionals under the Office;
  • Administer salaries and process payrolls;
  • Coordinate implementation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS), assess the appraisal results; prepare implementation reports; and make follow-ups on the implementation of the recommendations on individual OPRAS forms;
  • Process and update records of various leaves of absence;
  • Oversee employee’s benefits (pension, allowances etc) and entitlements;
  • Prepare Annual Personnel Emolument Estimates;
  • Oversee services related to separation from the service (retirement, resignation, etc);
  • Prepare and facilitate implementation of succession plans;
  • Facilitate orientation/induction programs for new entrants in the service;
  • Carry out training needs assessment for the Office and prepare training programs;
  • Facilitate Human Resource training and career development (professional development, performance improvement, pre-retirement, part-time, and overseas) for the Office;
  • Facilitate human resource development (training, coaching, mentoring, and job rotation);
  • Monitor and evaluate implementation of institutional training programs; and prepare training reports;
  • Carry out impact assessment of the training programs and prepare assessment reports;
  • Carry out assessment of professional requirements for the institution; develop and implement staff development plans;
  • Initiate and co-ordinate in-house courses and on the job training;
  • Maintain training records;
  • Provide information, clarifications and briefings on human resources and training matters; and
  • Serve as a Secretariat support to the Appointment Committee; and Training and Professional Development Committee to be formed in the Office.

This section will be led by an Assistant Director.
